HVAC Partial Replacements

HVAC Partial Replacements – Misquoting or Siting Non-Existent Code

by Mike Causey, Commissioner of Insurance, NC Department of Insurance

I have had a steady stream of calls in especially the past six months from homeowners who want clarification on the code and an interpretation that NCDOI issued on the topic of partial replacement of HVAC equipment. The conversation usually contains the following phrase:

“I was told NC is one of only two states in the nation that requires the replacement of all components on split system hvac systems if either the indoor or outdoor section breaks” This is causing me hardship because my home warranty will only cover a partial system…

The extra-confusing thing about this statement being told to NC residents is that we, NC DOI, have a web interpretation that specifically details the non-requirement for replacing both the indoor and outdoor unit if only one component goes bad. We clarify that when a partial replacement is performed, the units do not need to be AHRI matched, but do need to be compatible. Compatible is defined in the on-line interpretation, use the link below for more information:

Link to Partial Replacement Interpretation